Become Sintel’s partner

Ethics and fundamental assumptions


The fundamental assumption behind a partnership relationship is sharing the ethics that regulate Sintel’s main commercial policies.

Sintel’s ethics is oriented towards transparency, fairness and respect for the human person who is behind every profession and every role.

Commercial policies must be oriented towards Customer Satisfaction, respecting and fully considering the needs expressed by customers, from the primary needs that change from customer to customer and that change over time according to the different phases of the company life cycle.

The ideal partner has particular attention to the customer and a good ability to listen to their particular needs, to respond promptly to the demand with technological solutions and proposals aimed at a specific business situation. Furthermore, Sintel’s ideal partner fully embraces the business idea that guides our entrepreneurial projects and the solutions we have created.



The main objective in the partnership relationship is the creation of a unitary project starting from a common strategy of interaction and growth, with the development of a strong synergy between the various sales channels.



Partners who choose to work with us have the advantage of entering a large market space and exploiting its strategic resources as well as conquering various opportunities for their professional growth and promoting the development and growth of the business context that welcomes.

Sales network


The network of our commercial relations is made of of Professionals led not only by a strong motivation towards growth and development but mainly by customer orientation. In our company policy, the customer is not considered only as the final consumer but is a crucial part of the company as it is one of the main company resources. This is the reason why customer orientation is the fundamental requirement that the selected partners must have.

Formative activities for our partners


Here at Sintel we take care of our human resources and we aim to increase their skills. This is why we organize training services and seminars for our partners. Furthermore, we provides our partners with support activities and commercial assistance.

Become Sintel’s partner


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