The innovations made in the information and documentary processes by new technologies, both in the private and in the public sector, offer significant advantages since they reduce the time spent in the document process cycle, free up internal resources that are used for added value activities and transform processes aimed at customers by promoting greater efficiency and punctuality in operations and working relationships. The digitization of processes is an innovative step that allows the company to promote the “reorganization” or “re-engineering” of processes, bringing efficiency to the procedures and services made available online for users. The Dematerialization process aims to “convert” a “paper document” into an “electronic document” and is perfectly in line with the policies of the Green Economy.

The system is capable to communicate with most of the softwares available on the market and to import any type of document in order to facilitate relations with customers and suppliers.
The imported documents are turned and archived into PDF and/or XML electronic format and made available for search and sending functions.
Documents such as Mastrini, Customer and Supplier Account Statements, General Accounting First Note, Invoices Issued and Received, Accounting F23 and F24 and any other type of document, accounting or otherwise, are produced or processed in PDF and/or XML digital format.
Each document produced can be virtualized, archived and viewed at any time.
Documents archived in PDF and/or XML format are available for search and send functions.