The Finance and Control module of Thesi Evolution Sphere is an optimal and useful tool for the management of Financial Resources and allows you to carry out monitoring, forecasting and control activities of companies’ financial aspects. Corporate Financial Management module consists of Treasury and Cash Flow and is integrated with the General Accounting. The Financial Resources management module, by Thesi EvS, is an excellent tool capable of providing data on the company’s financial situation in real time, which is useful for the Manager to carry out planning activities of financial resources, prepare investments and formulate strategic and targeted choices able to guarantee the company’s financial solidity and the company’s economic development. The module also allows you to carry out credit analysis activities, and provides an interface for Credit Insurance Companies.
Sintel, togethrt with its employees and consultants, is available through the new brand for corporate consultancy and training on management control, analysis and control of corporate finance, analysis of business flows, analysis of new markets, language courses delivered by native-speaker teachers, the restructuring and introduction of new business processes and strategies, to achieve new goals and a mainly high- level competitiveness.