The Orders and Construction Sites module is a specific application for those companies that manage one or more construction sites at the same time, in the sectors of civil and industrial plant engineering, building construction, plant maintenance, various services to third parties, production on order, subcontracting, carpentry, glass factories, painting.
The ThesiEvS OrderCA module allows you to code the specifications and the operations/activities to be carried out, to calculate quotes or connect a quote from ThesiEvS to the opening of the order. Once the Order has been created with the data from the quote, the activities can be started or, if necessary, the planned works can be integrated. The same activities can be integrated with further specifications to transmit detailed indications to the departments.
The Dashboard of the module also provides a GANTT chart for the planning of activities and the analysis of margins, the verification of estimated times and costs, and finally the analysis of deviations from estimated costs and margins.
The order can be divided into different Work Orders or construction sites (one construction site for each work order), or possibly into services, or plants, and each ODL can be divided accordingly into activities. For each activity or ODL it is possible to calculate the hours of labour by reading a badge for each individual employee, even several times during the working day.
For each Work Order it is possible to allocate daily consumables, spare parts to be used, materials to be used (construction material, electrical, plumbing…), third party labor (subcontracting or other services) in real time.
This way, the company has the opportunity to make progress reports at the cost of the construction site or the single ODL referring to a job.
The system provides productivity analysis, analysis by margins (materials, labor, subcontracting of third party services), overall order margins.
The system enables the management of planning and the monitoring of activities through a periodic weekly planning and with an outlook of up to seven weeks. The loading of the start dates of the activities, the delivery date and the deadlines for the progress statuses foreseen in the order, complete the control functions of the activities.
The integration with the ThesiEvS ERP through the issuance of tax documents, the electronic invoice and the accounting of those on the Accounting/Finance and Control module, are a sure advantage and an efficiency tool for management control.
The OrderCA module is equipped with an app that allows the wireless connection of external sites or sites located in different territories through which it is possible to detect:
times, labour and presence of employees;
the materials supplied on site;
services and outsourcing.