AGT or “Transport Management Application” by Thesi EvS Business Up is a product aimed at small companies working in the transport sector and wishing to automate and streamline onerous and tiring processes to manage manually. The System is an excellent tool for an effective organization, capable of promoting a significant improvement in the service offered to customers.

This function allows: the acquisition of reservations by customers, the issuing of the confirmation order, the possible issue of the order to a sub-supplier.
The system allows you to check the availability of vehicles with reference to the requested date and the load, by highlighting the status of the tractor with different colours (“on the road”, “loaded”, “unloaded”, “under maintenance”, “scheduled maintenance” , “Available”) making the “booking / vehicle” combinations easier, simply with a click.
The “Data gathering of journeys” function allows you to extract information on “Trips Made” and to acquire this data also from companies belonging to the same group, in order to avoid double entry of information and save a considerable amount of time. Using this function, it is possible to print all the waybills in order to streamline the process.
General accounting, applied to transport, allows you to determine, in real time, costs and revenues per km, the incidence of empty km and other cost items that can cause critical issues such as fuel. Integration with Google Maps increases operational efficiency for the purpose of determining distances.
The System manages the “Inbound handling” and “Outbound handling” of Pallets and equivalent items, also providing an updated overview of the Account Statements. Should any irregularities occur, it is possible, through the system checks, to request reimbursement from the Insurance Company. In addition, non-conformities are available for quality reports.
This function, installed on the system, provides summary reports on the operating costs of transport and is able to determine the costs per km and therefore the revenues.
All the analyzes carried out can be easily exported to spreadsheets.
The system allows you to carry out an analytical evaluation of the offer and to respond more confidently to customer requests with innovative and competitive proposals.
The System manages all types of interventions relating to the vehicle fleet and is able to provide the related costs through this function:
¤ Maintenance costs (with reference to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance for each vehicle);
¤ Ownership costs (Insurance, etc…).
This feature proves to be especially useful for companies that own a large number of vehicles.
The “Vehicle Deadlines” function allows you to query and print all sorts of deadlines by date and by type (financial, administrative and technical).
The system allows you to make cost/revenue statistics:
¤ partialized for vehicle;
¤ by type of own or third party trips;
¤ by monthly trend.
The system is capable to carry out and provide a detailed analysis of consumption and provides a clear picture of the cost items (consumption statistics per driver / vehicle) to all companies working in the transport sector.
In particular, AGT allows you to:
¤ control of travel expenses;
¤ the periodic statement of all expenses relating to the trips made.
This function allows the passage of the contractual conditions to the logistics office in real time.
This way, the operations of the logistics office are facilitated, work is lighten and any input errors are limited.
The billing process is facilitated by interactive access to “confirmed orders“.
The function allows:
¤ querying of trips made and confirmed;
¤ pre-invoicing control;
¤ the issuance of invoices in Euro current currency or in another currency;
¤ billing attachments;
¤ billing with personalized selection for each customer.