ThesiEvS, through the AGT/AGTLog module for the management of transport and logistics, allows the traceability of the planning activities, collection, identification of waste for the registration of information in the SDMfor the purpose of the declaration to be sent to the Chamber of Commerce competence.
The filling in of the SDM forms takes place automatically starting from the Transport Order of the data relating to the customer/producer of the waste, the shipper and the recipient. The items transported, entered in the registry as “waste“, are “recognized” by the Management which transfers them directly to the SDM register.

Furthermore, the System requires the inclusion, on the Transport order, of the data relating to the client, shipper and recipient. The request is aimed at tracing the path of the waste as well as filling in the registers correctly.
The Management System allows you to query the Registers whenever it is deemed appropriate to find information about the material transported, the date of transport, the quantity transported. ThesiEvS is equipped with functions for carrying out waste statistics.

¤ Management of Waste Collection/Withdrawal Practices (Movements of Loading and Unloading Waste);
¤ Printing of Loading and Unloading Registers;
¤ Issue and Immediate Revision of Forms;
¤ Scheduling of Retreats;
¤ S.D.M.. Single Declaration Model;
¤ Register of Producers, Transporters, Disposers, Intermediaries, Transporters;
¤ Waste Technical Sheets;
¤ A.D.R. cards;
¤ Processing Technical Sheets;
¤ Collection areas/areas;
¤ Waste stocks;
¤ Waste Statistics;
¤ Integration with weighing systems Read Weights.